4th Annual Camp Fahrenheit 516 July 23rd - 29th
Day 1
Today, participants of the 4th annual Camp Fahrenheit 516 spent the morning half of the day learning about the history of the fire service and familiarizing themselves with their department issued equipment. After breaking for lunch, participants then learned how to properly don and doff their personal protective equipment. In addition to that, a "2 minute donning drill" was conducted to test all of the juniors and explorers skills head to head as to how fast they could fully don all of their PPE. The "Future Firefighters of Nassau County" then took on 2 separate mask confidence evolutions to familiarize themselves with being fully incapsulated and on air. Groups of 2 first navigated the pitch black maze and also searched a private dwelling for victims.
Day 2
Today the campers had a first hand experience of the mask confidence drill totally blacked out. They also learned and practiced emergency and mayday procedures as well as pack profiling and entanglement.
Join us each day for an update, we can also be found on Instagram and Twitter @ Nassau juniors
Day 3
Today was the 3rd day of the 4th annual Camp Fahrenheit 516. Campers started off the morning by learning how to advance and flow charged hose lines in a private dwelling. They also learned how to find alternate points of egress out of private dwellings if they are ever overcome by fire while conducting searches. After concluding the evolutions in the morning they took a much needed and well deserved lunch break. In the afternoon they once again split up by squad and had their first live burn of the week. They learned how to use fire extinguishers to properly extinguish both class a and class b fires. They also learned vital knot tying techniques and forcible entry before the day was said and done. Catch us tomorrow as the Nassau County executive Laura Curran will be paying us a visit. Also check out our live streams throughout the day on Facebook.
Day 4
On Day 4 the campers had a full day of training with live car and warehouse fires, ground and areal ladders and also a briefing on Haz Mat. They had an up close and personal look on the intense heat of a raging fire and knowing the safe ways to fight it. These kids are being exposed to something not many have the chance to experience at their age. Tomorrow they will use all of what they have learned in their final evolutions.
Day 5
On Day 5 the juniors and explores received a 1st hand look at a raging fire. The had the opportunity to take part in the flash over simulator. Here is where they learned about fire behavior. It was opportunity that will not be long forgotten. The also had chance to work with the hydraulic rescue tools and as the finale, they were brought into the dwelling to use what they learned all week. This day was the most intense day of the camp, these campers received a chance to experience what no other juniors or explores ever have.
Day 6
On their last day of camp, the campers took part in multiple EMS skills including CPR, Fracture management, bleeding control and general first Aid. At the end of the session they received CPR cards. This skill serves more then something for the fire ground, its used in everyday life.
On Sunday 215 campers, family, friend, Chief's, Commissioner’s, and FSA Staff joined together for a very proud presentation. We would like to thank everyone who made this possible and a special thanks to the Nassau County VEEB Board and FSA Staff.