Camp Fahrenheit- Robert Dowd
Insurance has recently been secured for the fourth annual camp Fahrenheit 516. The camp will be taking place from Monday, July 23rdto Saturday, July 28th. During the camp that is hosted at the Nassau County Fire Service Academy, trained instructors will be going over the history of the fire service, proper utilization of PPE, confined space training, victim removal, bailout training, ground ladders and aerial ladders, live fire extinguisher training, live fire car fire burns, and live fire warehouse burns and much more. Additionally, the final day of camp will be a different activity, we hope to make the 6thday a different evolution or training each year. Please keep your eyes open for any emails with further information about the camp in the near future.
Training - Mason Kletter
As the weather becomes enjoyable, we look forward to having drills in the coming months. We will have our Hazmat drill again this upcoming June, at either the Hicksville or Wantagh Fire Stations. Of course, we hope to be having our 6 days long Camp Fahrenheit 516 this July. Additionally, towards the end of this year, we are going to have the annual training at the FSA in Old Bethpage. I look forward to seeing all of you at these upcoming events.
Monument - Arjun Mehta
A couple of plans have been set to maintain the appearance of our Nassau Community Juniors Fire Association Monument which is in Eisenhower Park. It was organized that, on the 21st of April there would be a Monument Cleanup to keep the monument looking aesthetically pleasing to viewers. Some of these activities include raking, leaf blowing, removing garbage from the area, and cleaning our prized monument. We have also already installed a new flag as well as a prisoner of war flag to replace the worn out flags. We hope that after our efforts of making our monument looking visually appealing, members of the juniors and explorers of Nassau County will take advantage of visiting the monument themselves.
Fundraising - Rohan Mehrotra
Hello everyone as you all know our annual fundraiser is starting up again. We will be selling raffle tickets at our next June meeting for the chance for someone to win some amazing prizes. This year's raffle will include prizes such as a brand new TV and ….. (TBD).... We hope all of u participate in it and help us with the fundraiser by buying lots of tickets. We cannot stress how important these tickets are for contributing to our activities. We wish you good luck and thank you.
Membership - Mary- Grace Syrett
We are currently working with the Floral Park Centre Fire Department juniors in joining the Nassau County Junior Fire Association. We are also, always reaching out to more Nassau junior fire departments to join our association. Additionally, we are also in contact with some Suffolk County Junior fire departments and we are interested in sharing and working together with them.
Also, please remember to check that your dues have been paid and are up to date.
Community Service - Dylan McQuoid
Good Morning, everyone, there are numerous events and a few projects coming up that I would like to share with you. For starters, in September, we are hosting our annual event for the Long Island Day at the Fireman’s Retirement Home up in Hudson. We eagerly would like over one hundred junior firefighters to attend, which would help break our previous record and make the retirees overjoyed we are there.
Secondly, there will be a Freeport M.C.I. Drill on April 29th, 2018, this will include many of our juniors to volunteer as mock victims of a train incident which will help our first responders and the juniors experience what happens when there is a catastrophic event and how to respond to it.
Lastly, we are in the process of putting together a fundraiser for an organization called FACES, “Finding A Cure for Epilepsy and Seizures”, our goal is to raise money for the cause. The mission of FACES is to improve the quality of life for all those affected by epilepsy and seizures. FACES are affiliated with NYU Langone Health and its Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. FACES, funds research, to improve epilepsy care, advances new therapies, and nurture a supportive community for children, families, and caregivers who live with the challenges of seizures.
By participating in these events it will gain us the recognition that the Nassau County Juniors are making a difference in the lives of our communities.